Thursday, December 7, 2006

multi-media journalism

Multi-media journalism seems to be the answer to the shortfalls of the particular medium we're practicing.

For TV- multi-tasking is fast becoming the norm where shooting, writing and reporting stories all by yourself are expected among reporters. Blame it on the advent of VJs (video journalists) abroad. What used to be a three-man team where a cameraman and an assistant shoots and drives for the reporter on coverage can now be trimmed to a one-man team. It usually depends on the kind of story you're working on and under what circumstances the coverage is. But it's happening. Our network has also begun training journalists who can not only shoot but edit and transmit video as well.

The capability to present news in different platforms though remains a work in progress. While we on TV are encouraged to write our stories online, we rely mostly on a different news staff servicing our network's website. Although we also carry an online version of the channel's major newscasts on

Maybe it's because journalists in general see news online as a new medium to be practiced by those who are tech-savvy. Its only now that some are beginning to realize that its a new medium even traditional journalists from print or broadcast can venture into.

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